Year groups play an important role in managing your school’s data and rostering process. Each student is assigned to a specific year group during rostering, helping administrators keep a clear and organized record of students across different batches. With Toddle you have the options to view active and archived year groups, download year groups data, and gather relevant information about individual students at a quick glance based on their year groups.
This article will cover:
Viewing and managing year groups
Managing student mapping to year groups
Viewing and managing year groups
As a school admin, you can view and manage year groups from the ‘School setup’ card on the admin portal.
From here, navigate to the ‘Year groups’ section. Here, you will find a list of all the year groups that have been created on Toddle for different curriculums of your school, along with relevant information such as the mapped grades, curriculum and students.
You can use the three dots menu against a year group to rename or delete it.
💡Please note that you will not be able to delete year groups that have students mapped to them.
To view the students assigned to a specific year group, click on the corresponding number in the table. A pop-up will then display the list of student mapped to it.
For DP curriculum, the examination session is also mentioned next to the year group name, as highlighted below.
Additionally, for easy access, you have the ability to filter the year groups based on their curriculum and status using the filtering options highlighted below. You can also look for a particular year group using the search bar.
In case, you need to download a list of all the year groups, use the ’Download’ icon, as highlighted below.
Managing student mapping to year groups
While rostering students for a curriculum, each student must be assigned to the correct year group. You can add students from the ‘School setup’ tab in the admin portal.
Read this article to learn more about adding new students to your curriculum.
Once you have assigned a year group to a student, this will also reflect on the ‘Year groups’ section.
Year groups and transcript generation (For MYP and DP)
Year groups play an important role in transcript generation for MYP and DP. Each student is assigned a year group and this information is used to generate transcripts accurately.
Refer to this article for an in-depth understanding of how transcripts are generated on Toddle.
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