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Enhanced nomenclature for downloaded files
Updated over a week ago

Hi Educators! We are excited to introduce an update that improves the nomenclature of files downloaded for MYP projects, DP core, and IA, and EA. This update includes the following enhancements:

  • Customizable folder structure for bulk downloads

  • Improved naming convention of downloaded files

Customizable folder structure for bulk downloads

Educators now have the ability to choose the folder structure for the downloaded files, if in bulk. This feature is available for IA/EA within classes, as well as from the IBeC module under the admin portal:

Group 6063.png

Group 6062 (1).png

Upon clicking the ‘Zip’ option for download, a pop-up window will appear, allowing you to select the students whose files you would like to download. Once done, click ‘Next’.

Journal (42).png

On the next screen, you can configure the folder structure for downloaded files in one of the three ways:

  • By student name

  • By submission item

  • No grouping

💡 The following images show the view for Visual Arts Comparative Study.

By student name

If selected, the downloaded files will be organized by student names, with individual submission items neatly grouped under each student’s name.

Journal (55).png

Journal (59).png

By Submission item

If selected, the downloaded files will be organised by submission items, with files of individual students neatly grouped under each item.

Journal (44).png

Journal (60).png

No grouping

If selected, the downloaded files will be displayed individually without any specific grouping.

Journal (46).png

Journal (61).png

Improved naming convention of downloaded files

All individual files now have a more intuitive naming convention, that includes student names, as shown in the example below. This helps facilitate easy identification and file management for educators.

💡This update is currently not available for the DP Collaborative sciences project and MYP Community project.

Journal (56).png

That’s all for now. Keep an eye out for the Toddle product newsletter for more product updates!

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