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How can I gain insights into my school's academic performance for MYP as an administrator?
How can I gain insights into my school's academic performance for MYP as an administrator?
Updated over 2 months ago

As a school administrator, you can easily access and review your school’s academic performance on Toddle. Track performance by student, class, grade, subject, or staff within each curriculum and gain deep insights into the academic strengths and areas for improvement across your school. Read this article to learn how to track academic performance for MYP students on Toddle. It will guide you through the following:

  • Performance insights

    • Performance by grade

    • Performance by subject

    • Performance by class

    • Performance by staff

    • Performance by student

    • Viewing insights across multiple grading periods

Navigating to Insights

Access the ‘Insights’ module from your preferred curriculum homepage.

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Upon entering, you will find insights organized into two main tabs:

  • Engagement insights

  • Performance insights

💡Refer this article to learn in depth about the engagement insights available on Toddle.

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Performance insights

Performance insights offer detailed insights to help you monitor your students' performance for specific grading periods defined for MYP. You can review the overall performance of each grade and further drill down to analyze academic results for specific subjects, classes, or individual students. Additionally, you can track the performance of students managed by individual staff members. Let’s explore each of these views in detail.

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Performance by grade

In this tab, you can view the mean IBMYP total of each MYP grade for the selected grading period. The IBMYP world average for the previous year is also shown to draw a quick comparison. The table below lists the high-level performance of each MYP grade, including the total number of students, and mean IBMYP total and grades.

💡 The mean IBMYP total is calculated by averaging the total MYP scores of all students in a grade, based on a maximum of 56 points derived from eight subjects. As additional subject scores become available, they are incorporated into the total average, ensuring that the table always reflects the latest data.

To view detailed insights for a specific grade, click on the arrow next to it, as shown in the screenshot below. The insights displayed on the landing page are explained in the following section.

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The landing page displays key metrics of the selected grade at the top: the total number of students in the grade, the mean IBMYP total score, the mean IB grade, and the number of students with a total below 27.

Below these metrics, a bar graph illustrates the performance distribution of students within the grade, based on the IBMYP total. It shows how they are performing across different IBMYP total ranges, such as 0-10, 11-19, 20-27, and so on.

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As you scroll down, you will see a consolidated view of individual student performance within the grade. This includes the number of courses each student is enrolled in, their IBMYP total, and mean IB grade. Additionally, for each student, you can view the total number of subjects where they have an IB grade of less than 4.

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Use the same table to view each student’s performance in individual subjects. Apply the ‘Subject-wise’ filter as shown below to get a list of courses each student is enrolled in, along with their individual criteria grades and IB grade in each subject. To dive deeper into the performance of an individual student, click the arrow against their name. Refer to the ’Performance by student' section to explore this further.

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Next, you will find a bar graph displaying the average performance of students in each subject for the selected MYP grade. The table below the graph provides detailed information for each subject, including the total number of students enrolled, mean IB grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4.

To gain deeper insights into students’ performance in a specific subject, click the arrow against its name. Refer to the ' Performance by subject' section to explore this further.

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Performance by subject

Use this tab to gain detailed insights into students’ performance across MYP subjects.

For the selected grade and grading period, a bar graph shows the mean IB grade for each subject. Below the graph is a tabular view that lists all subjects, total students enrolled, criteria mean grades, mean IB grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4.

To view detailed insights for a specific subject, click on the arrow next to it, as shown in the screenshot below. The insights displayed on the landing page are explained in the following section.

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The landing page displays key metrics of the selected subject at the top: total students enrolled, mean IB grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4. Additionally, it displays the mean grade in the subject for each MYP criterion.

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Scroll down further to view the bar graph showing the distribution of students' performance in that subject, categorized by the IB grade. Below the graph is a tabular view listing the individual student performance for the selected subject. This table includes the student’s name, their individual MYP criteria grades, and IB grade.

To gain deeper insights into the overall performance of an individual student, click the arrow against their name. Refer to the 'Performance by student' section to explore this section further.

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If multiple classes are mapped to a single subject, you may want to review the performance of individual classes. The next graph in this view shows the mean IB grade for each class mapped to the selected subject for the chosen grading period.

Below the graph, a table lists the individual classes mapped to the subject, total students enrolled, mean IB grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4.

To view insights on an individual class performance, click the arrow against their name. Refer to the 'Performance by class section to explore this section further.

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Performance by class

Use this tab to gain detailed insights into students’ performance across the MYP classes.

For the selected grade, grading period, and subject(s), a bar graph shows the mean IB grade for each MYP class.

Below the graph is a tabular view that lists the same classes shown in the bar graph, including the total students enrolled, mean grades for each MYP criteria, overall mean IB grade and the number of students with an IB grade below 4.

To view detailed insights for a specific class, click on the arrow next to it, as shown in the screenshot below. The insights displayed on the landing page are explained in the following section.

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The landing page displays key metrics of the selected class at the top: total students enrolled, mean IB grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4. Additionally, it displays the class mean IB grade for each MYP criterion.

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Below is a bar graph showing the distribution of students' performance in that class, categorized by IB grades. Below the graph is a tabular view that lists the individual student performance for the selected class. This table includes the students’ names, criteria grades, and mean IB grades.

To gain deeper insights into the overall performance of an individual student, click the arrow against their name. Refer to the ’ Performance by student' section to explore this section further.

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As you scroll down further, a bar graph displays the class mean IB MYP criteria grades for each assignment for the chosen grading period.

Below the chart, a table lists the same assignments as shown in the graph along with the number of students it was assigned to, submission status, due date, and their criteria mean grades.

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Performance by staff

This tab lists all MYP staff members of the selected grade(s) along with the number of classes they are tagged to and the total number of students they teach. This allows you to view and compare the teaching load and student distribution among different staff members.

To gain deeper insights into the overall performance of students under an individual staff member, click the arrow against their name.

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The landing page displays key metrics for the selected staff member at the top: total classes they are mapped to, and total students assigned.

Below, the table lists all the classes taught by the staff member, including the class name, total students enrolled, mean IBMYP grade, and the number of students with an IB grade below 4.

To view insights on an individual class, click the arrow against its name. Refer to the 'Performance by class' section to explore this section further.

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Performance by student

This tab lists individual student performance for the selected grade and grading period. For the grade selected at the top, view a list of students along with the number of they are enrolled in, their IBMYP total, mean IB grade, and the number of subjects with an IB grade below 4.

To view detailed insights for an individual student, click on the arrow next to it, as shown in the screenshot below. The insights displayed on the landing page are explained in the following section.

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The landing page displays key metrics of the selected student for the chosen grading period at the top: total number of subjects enrolled in, the IBMYP total score, mean IB grade, and the number of subjects with an IB grade below 4.

The bar graph below illustrates how the student is performing in terms of their IB grade across different subjects.

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Once you scroll down, you can view a table listing each subject the student is enrolled in along with their IBMYP criteria grades, and overall IBMYP grade.

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As you scroll down further, a bar graph displays the student's grades in each MYP criteria in the assignments for the selected subject and grading period.

Use the subjects tab above the graph to view assignment scores for other subjects.

The table below lists these assignments for the selected subject in a tabular format, listing the individual criteria grades for it.

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Viewing insights across multiple grading periods

As a school administrator, you can analyze and compare student performance across multiple grading periods, providing a comprehensive view of their progress over time. This helps you identify patterns and make informed decisions to support student achievement.

Select one or more grading periods to view analytics, as shown below. The data will dynamically adjust based on your filter selection, offering insights specific to the selected grading period(s). Note that this filter is not available for the ‘Performance by staff’ section.

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Below are some examples of various data representations demonstrating how insights from multiple grading periods will be displayed. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list:

Bar graphs

Performance or distribution-based bar graphs across ‘Performance Insights’ dynamically adjust to reflect data for multiple grading periods. Likewise, other data types will adapt in the same way.

The example bar graph below illustrates the mean IBMYP total/score for each grade, broken down by selected grading periods. To identify the exact score for each grading period, simply hover over the bars, as highlighted below.

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Box plots

The example box plot below provides a comparative analysis of student’s performance across grading periods for specific subjects. To learn about metrics such as mean, lowest, or highest scores of a subject in a specific grading period, simply hover over the respective graph, as highlighted below.

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Line graphs

The example line graph below provides an overview of the class performance trends across selected grading periods, including the mean IB Grade, mean score percentage, and the count of students with an IB grade below 4. The bottom section breaks down criteria-wise performance, offering insights into how the class performed in each assessment criterion over the selected grading periods.

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Radar charts

The example radar chart below provides a visual overview of a student’s IB grade/score across multiple subjects for selected grading periods. You can see how the student has performed across subjects over time, with each grading period represented by a distinct color on the chart. To identify the specific IB grade/score for each grading period, simply hover over its respective color.

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The example table below provides a detailed breakdown of performance metrics for each grade, including total students and the mean IBMYP total/score, IB grade, and total score percentage for each grading period.

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Toddle's Insights module empowers you with actionable insights, driving data-informed decisions to enhance academic performance and student engagement.

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