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How can I create and manage my SAA activities as an MYP student?
How can I create and manage my SAA activities as an MYP student?
Updated this week

As a student enrolled in the MYP program, you can utilize Toddle to proficiently manage your Service as Action(SAA) portfolio in accordance with the IBMYP requirements. This involves documenting your service activities, tagging them to learning outcomes, writing reflections, collecting evidence, and receiving feedback from your supervisor(s) and adviser. Let’s read this article to learn more about it.

This article will cover:

  • SAA dashboard

  • Creating and managing SAA activities

SAA dashboard

To begin documenting your SAA activities on Toddle, click the ‘Service as Action’ card on your homepage.

💡 Please note that the Service as action’‘ card will appear on your homepage only if your school administrator has invited you to the SAA module on Toddle.

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The landing page contains a comprehensive overview of your SAA portfolio and detailed insights.

At the top right, you will find the status and overall progress of your SAA journey, as marked by your SAA adviser. As a student, you can easily track your SAA engagement across MYP years using the academic year switcher at the top. This switcher lets you view activities from a specific academic year or see a complete overview of all years by selecting ‘All academic year’ from the dropdown. By default, the current academic year is selected.

Below, you can view all your SAA activities in a tabular or timeline format. Use the ‘plus’ button placed at the top right of the table to create a new SAA activity.

At the bottom, visual insights in the form of graphs provide a clear summary of your SAA progress.

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Let's explore each section of your SAA dashboard in detail.

SAA activities

In this section, you can view all your SAA activities along with key details such as assigned supervisors, service type(s), tagged learning outcomes, supporting evidence, and duration. Use the switcher at the top to switch between the list view and timeline view.

List view: Provides a list of your SAA activities in a tabular form. It displays key details, including the assigned supervisor(s), service type, learning outcomes tagged, evidence added, total duration, start and end date, academic year, and last modified date.

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Timeline View: Provides a comprehensive overview of your SAA engagement throughout the selected academic year of the MYP program. This view helps visualize the SAA activities completed each month and the individual service actions they have addressed.

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If any new SAA activities are added by your supervisor/adviser or updates are made to existing ones, a corresponding badge will be displayed next to them on the dashboard for easy identification.

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To archive or delete an activity, use the three-dot menu under the ‘Action’ column. Note that you can only archive or delete those activities that have been created by you. In case you have deleted an activity by mistake, it can be restored by your adviser or supervisor. Moreover, ‘archived or ‘deleted’ activities do not count towards portfolio insights

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SAA insights

As you scroll down, you can explore visual insights into your SAA performance through interactive graphs. You can view:

  1. Total number of SAA activities with a status breakdown

  2. Total hours spent on SAA activities

  3. Learning outcomes progress with a list of activities and evidence linked to each outcome

  4. Hourly progress across service action types

💡The insights on total hours and hourly progress will show up only if the school administrator has enabled the settings for logging SAA hours. Click on any of the color-coded bars or numbers to view the corresponding list of activities.

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Viewing progress on learning outcomes

Additionally, you can view the evidence associated with a specific outcome by clicking on the numbers under the ‘Evidences’ column.

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This page provides an overview of the progress made by you towards achieving the seven learning outcomes (LO) set by the IB. Under each LO, you can see the evidence associated with that specific outcome.

Once you have collected sufficient evidence for a learning outcome, advisers will mark the LO as achieved. You will receive a notification for the same. Furthermore, use the chat option to receive feedback on the evidence and engage in one-on-one discussions with your adviser.

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Creating and managing SAA activities

To add a new SAA activity to your portfolio, simply click on the ‘plus button on the ‘SAA dashboard. Begin by providing basic details about the activity, including the title, cover image, and start/end dates of the activity.

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Below, you can select which service approach(es) will be addressed through this activity. As you make progress in your activity, you can log the total duration of the SAA activity, along with the specific hours spent on each service approach. Note that you will be able to record hourly progress only if your school administrator has enabled the setting for logging SAA hours.

Finally, you have the option to add supervisor(s) and collaborators to the activity by pressing the ‘Add’ option next to it. Once done, click on the ‘Create’ button to save your activity.

💡All of this information can be updated anytime until the SAA activity is marked complete.

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Once your new activity has been created, you will be directed to its dedicated page, as shown below.

On the left panel, you will find different sections to document your SAA activity. These allow you to provide details, tag learning outcomes, document evidence, and reflect on your progress.

The information you enter here can be reviewed by your supervisor and adviser, who may provide feedback through comments or edits. Once the activity is marked complete, your supervisor can add their final remarks in the ‘Final supervisor comment’ section, which will then be available to you in view-only mode.

Let's delve into each of the sections in the left pane.

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Title and basics

This section displays the basic information provided by you during the initial creation, including the title, cover image, and start/end dates of the SAA activity. Feel free to make any changes, if necessary.

Additionally, if there are any supporting documents such as a risk assessment form, you can upload them as a link, from your local device, Google Drive or OneDrive, using the ‘Add a file’ button.

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As a student, you can get feedback from your supervisor on specific sections of the SAA activity. If your supervisor has left a comment for you, you will see a numbered badge next to that section as highlighted below. You can communicate with your supervisor via the chat window, send audio notes, and use emojis in your messages. The corresponding supervisor will receive a notification upon receiving your message.

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Learning goals and outcomes

Use this section to provide your motivation and goals for pursuing the activity and one or more of the seven IB-defined learning outcomes that will be covered.

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Reflections are an essential part of service activities where, as a student, you are encouraged to reflect upon the skills and learning you have acquired through community participation. The reflection questions visible here are configured by the school administrator for each year group.

For group-based activities, the reflection format is determined by your school administrator’s settings. If collective reflection is enabled, you and your collaborators can view and contribute to a shared reflection in the same space. If individual reflections are enabled, each student will only be able to view and edit their own input.

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Use this section to upload evidence about your SAA activity as you progress. You can submit evidence in various formats, including notes, voice recordings, files, photos, videos, links, and more. This helps track your personal growth and ensure that the SAA programme requirements are met.

Click on ‘Add post’ to add evidence.

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To create a new post, you must add the description, and relevant attachments, and tag one or more learning outcomes you believe you have achieved. Tagging learning outcomes allows the evidence to appear in your SAA portfolio as proof of completing those outcomes. Note that you can only tag the LOs you have selected while creating the activity.

Once done, hit ‘Publish’.

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Once the post is published, you and the supervisors can view the tagged outcomes below the corresponding evidence.

Supervisors may also leave comments on these submissions, triggering a notification for you to respond. Additionally, they have the option to add evidence or reflections on your behalf, if necessary.

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Final supervisor comment

Upon completion of your activity, your supervisor(s) will provide a final review comment summarizing your involvement, engagement, and growth throughout the activity. This serves as a reflection on your progress and helps validate your participation in SAA. You will be able to access this in view-only mode.

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Marking of SAA activity as complete

Upon completion of the activity, the corresponding supervisors can mark it as ‘Complete’ using the status dropdown at the top right. You will receive a notification informing you about the same.

After marking it as ‘Complete,’ no further changes can be made unless the supervisor reverts the status to ‘Draft’ or ‘Approved.’

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Key features

We offer some helpful features to enhance your experience of tracking your SAA journey on Toddle:

Review log: This feature promotes collaboration between students and teachers by letting you easily request a review from your supervisor and seek feedback. You can request a review using the ‘Request review’ button at the top-right and insert the relevant remarks. Once done, click on ‘Raise a request’ and the corresponding supervisor(s) will receive a notification regarding the same.

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Both you and your supervisor(s) can comment on, resolve, or delete these requests. Once the supervisor responds to your review request, you can view their feedback in the ‘Review log’ window and take the necessary action, as shown below. To view requests that have been resolved, simply click on the ‘Resolved’ tab. If you choose to edit an existing request, the supervisor will receive a notification informing them of the update.

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Edit collaborators: Use the pencil icon at the top right to add/remove the collaborators for the SAA activity.

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Edit supervisors: Use the initials icon at the top right to add/remove supervisors for the SAA activity.

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Overview window: The basic details, including the activity dates, selected service actions, and more, are displayed in the ‘Overview’ window, accessible from any section.

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Evidence window: Any evidence added to the SAA activity will be displayed in the ‘Evidence’ window, accessible from any section.

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Activity status: At any point, you can view the status of your SAA activity on the page header at the top right. It can have one of the following values - ‘Draft’, ‘Approved’, or ‘Completed’, as marked by your supervisor. You will receive a notification each time your supervisor changes the status of your activity.

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Activity switcher: Use the arrow keys above to switch between the different activities within your portfolio.

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With these steps, you can effectively manage your SAA portfolios, ensuring successful completion of all SAA requirements.

We hope that you were able to find what you were looking for. Explore other articles for more!

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