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Overview of Service as Action for an MYP student
Overview of Service as Action for an MYP student
Updated over a week ago

As a student, you can use Toddle to work on and manage your service activities to complete the SAA requirements. You can easily create new service activities, keep a track of activity dates, tag learning outcomes to your activity, get your supervisor’s approval and feedback, collect learning evidences, record your reflections and do much more!

In this article we will cover the following:

  • Service as action (SAA) dashboard

  • Creating a new SAA activity

  • Managing service activity details

  • SAA activity completion by the supervisor

Service as action (SAA) dashboard

To begin click on ‘Service as Action’ card (under Projects) on your homepage.

💡 Please note that the SAA card will appear on your homepage only if your school administrator has invited you to the SAA module on Toddle.

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On the landing page, the dashboard provides an overview of all existing service activities where you are added as a collaborator. Here, you can see information such as the activity status, title, collaborators, mapped supervisors, and dates for the activity. Use the ‘Actions’ option to edit collaborators and supervisors. If you are the owner of an activity, you also have the option to delete it.

The ‘New’ badges on the left highlight recently added activities in which you are tagged as a collaborator. The numbered badges, on the other hand, indicate any updates made in an existing activity.

💡Keep in mind that you will not be able to edit collaborators and supervisors for activities or delete them if they have been marked as complete.


Creating a new SAA activity

Easily create a new activity from the dashboard using the ‘Create new activity’ button placed at the top right corner.


On the landing page, you can add a title for the activity and a cover image.

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Move on to add supervisors and students to the activity. To do so click on the ‘Add’ button against each one them.

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When adding supervisors you can select supervisors one by one or if you wish to tag all supervisors, simply click on the ‘Select all’ option. Once you have made the selection, proceed to click on the ‘Add’ option. Finally, click on ‘Done’ to save your preferences.

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If you are collaborating with other students for this activity, proceed to select students using the same process. Once you have made the selection, click on the ‘Add’ option. Finally, click on ‘Done’ to save your preferences.

💡Keep in mind that when creating an activity you will be added as an owner by default.

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Click the 'Create' button to finalize the creation of an activity.

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Managing service activity details

Clicking on any service activity on the dashboard will take you to a detailed view of the activity. If you notice a numbered red badge next to any section in the left pane, it indicates that your supervisor or fellow collaborators, if any, have left a comment for you or made updates in that section. Additionally, a red dot on the comment icon, will tell you the exact field where a comment has been added.

From the left-hand panel, you can go through and start working on any section of the service activity.

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Let’s delve into each one of the sections in detail.

Title and basics

Under the ‘Title and basics’ section, you are required to add a title for your service activity, a cover image, and location. To communicate easily with your supervisor or fellow collaborators, if any, use the comment icon next to each section to view comments from them and to ask questions or share your thoughts.

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As you scroll down, you can add the start and end dates, the type of service approach taken for the activity, and a description of the activity.

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Furthermore, you can add the details of partnered organisations for the service activity (if any). You can also edit the list of supervisors and students tagged to this activity. Just click on the ‘Add’ button to add new supervisors/students or hit the remove icon to remove them.

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Learning goals and outcomes

Select Learning goals and outcomes on the left panel to set objectives for your service activity. Identify the overall goals and tag one or more learning outcomes that you wish to achieve through your involvement in the activity.

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Review Requests

After completing these two sections, you can request your supervisor to approve the service activity proposal.

To request a review, click the 'Request review' button in the top left corner. This opens a modal where you can type your request. Click 'Raise a request' to send it.

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You will find a record of these requests in the review log where you can view the replies from your supervisor. You can also use this space to seek feedback on your work or ask any queries that you may have. Furthermore, you will receive notifications and see numbered badges to stay updated on these review requests. You have the option to resolve, comment, edit or delete these requests as well. To see the requests that have been resolved simply click on the ‘Resolved’ tab.

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Activity approval notification

Once your activity proposal is approved, you will get a notification for the same under the bell icon on your home page.

You can click on the notification to check your project status in the dashboard. Now, you can move on to add reflections and evidences for your SAA activity.

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Reflection is an essential part of your service activity. It's an on-going process where you are encouraged to reflect upon the knowledge that you have acquired during the course of your service activity. Also, you can reflect upon the ATL skills that you have developed throughout your involvement in the service activity.

Navigate to the Reflection section from the menu on the left to begin documenting your reflections.

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Under Evidences section, you can document the entire journey of your service activity. This could include your planning documents, interactions with the community members, highlights of the conducted activities, photos/videos etc. To add an evidence, click on the ‘Add’ button at the top. Utilise the three-dot menu if you wish to edit or delete the evidence.


Here you can choose a media attachment, type in a brief description about the entry and upload the evidence. Next, tag service learning outcomes to your entries that reflects your growth as a learner. Finally, hit the ‘Publish’ button to save the post.

💡You can choose only from those learning outcomes that are tagged for this service activity under ‘Learning goals and outcomes’ section.

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Final supervisor comment

The last section is the ‘Final supervisor comment’ section where you can view your supervisor’s feedback or concluding remarks on the activity.

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Project completion by the supervisor

After your supervisor is satisfied with the completion of your service activity and the associated documentation, they will mark it as ‘Complete’ and no further edits can be made post that. Consequently, service activity status will be updated on your dashboard and you will receive a notification for the same under the bell icon on your homepage.

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By clicking on the notification you will be directed to the SAA activity page where you can access all your entries in view-only mode. Here, you will notice a green banner at the top indicating the completion of your service activity.

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